01.03.22 | Interview
― It was the combination of an M&A opportunity and getting to work at a boutique firm that drew me to Stratema.

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Ebba Kjellberg did a traineeship at the Stratema Stockholm office from April to December 2021. Great to hear that we are not alone in having found that a rewarding experience.
”It was the combination of an M&A opportunity and getting to work at a boutique firm that drew me to Stratema. What I was hoping for was to be a bit more actively involved and to have direct contact with clients, etc. And I had that from day one! I found it genuinely interesting to be on the inside of these real-life reasoning and brainstorming processes, and to compare that to what I’m learning in my Master’s programme. Getting to attend client meetings and contribute to the discussion, as if I had been a full-time employee, really boosted my social skills. I would think that most trainees are not offered that kind of opportunity. But it fits well with my impression of how Stratema operates. It has a culture that encourages learning and development. Not only for me as a trainee, but across the board for everyone who works there.
Stratema management takes the humble stance that we all have something to learn from each other. That clearly colours the atmosphere for everyone involved. People quite simply seem to enjoy working at Stratema! It is nonetheless a job that requires considerable discipline and commitment. In that regard I have probably benefitted from my extensive dressage practice. It may be a challenge that the Stratema Stockholm office is fairly small for the time being, but I believe they are well positioned for strengthening their brand and gaining more large clients. It will be exciting to see what happens next! My own focus for the next 18 months is on completing my Master of Accounting, Valuation and Financial Management at the Stockholm School of Economics. After that, I’m quite keen to get back into M&A!”