Keystep AS sold to Visolit
Lars Stenvold Wik
IT & Cloud Services
Lars Stenvold Wik
IT & Cloud Services
Visolit has entered into the agreement to purchase the Norwegian IT company Keystep, and now strengthens its commitment to solutions, security and consulting.
Keystep has since the beginning av 2008 grown to become a medium-sized Norwegian provider of cloud services, cloud migration, security services and consulting. The company was established in 2007 and has expertise in both Microsoft, VMware, Apple, Linux / Open Source, Network and Security. The customer base has a number of major public actors, as well as customers in industries such as media, banking & finance, oil & gas and the food industry. Keystep also has its own security unit that offers monitoring, counseling and training on customer safety needs. Keystep had a turnover of NOK 125 million in 2017, has 72 employees and offices in Oslo. The increased demand for cloud services is an important factor for Visolit and Keystep joining forces. Customers are aware that cloud services can be complex and therefore need professional advice on this process. These companies have therefore great advantages to join together to offer their expertise on the market demand for hybrid cloud services, security and application management.
Visolit is a leading provider of IT operations, network services, centralized ASP solutions and outsourcing on the SMB market in the Nordic region. Today, the group currently consists of nearly 650 employees distributed in Asker, Arendal, Bergen, Stavanger, Stockholm and Gothenburg, and handles IT operations for over 1300 customers with 115,000 IT users. The acquisition of Keystep completes Visolit’s latest acquisitions, including Digisys acquisition in March 2018.
Stratema was a financial advisor for Keystep and its owners.